A Short Reflection on our Fast Paced Lives
In the world of today, we find ourselves in a state of constant movement. There’s always something that needs to be done, something that's been forgotten, or somewhere to be.
The Halloween Dance That Could’ve Been
One could say that the Newman Halloween Dance was slightly underwhelming. In the midst of lights, music, and decorations there stood an empty dance floor marked only with the movement of a couple of brave souls.
World in View: 2023 in Review, 2024 Ahead
2023 has ended, and humanity enters a new year in 2024, and while it is not a clean slate entirely, there are opportunities to usher in change and reflect on the errant nature of the past year, and everything that has unfolded then.
Israel’s War With Hamas is A Necessary Act of Defense
6:30. October 7. While most would be in the chasm between sleep and full consciousness at the time, gradually drudging through the sleepy-eyed quagmire of beginning a day, those in Southern Israeli cities, such as Sderot, Be'er Sheva, Sa’ad, and Ashkelon were not.
Editorial: Ban on TikTok
Social media is an issue ever prominent in society. There has been an extended national movement to Ban Tiktok, a Chinese company owned by ByteDance.
Editorial: Register to Vote
On Tuesday, April 5th, 2022, Newman was paid a visit by Commissioner Ellen Rooney, a representative of the Boston Elections Commission, who hosted a brief registration drive in the front room to register students to vote.
From the Newman Newsstand: The Threat From the Illiberal Left
In the first edition of a brand new column, “From The Newman Newsstand”, Senior Paul Simko ‘22 analyzes an article from The Economist.