Girls Volleyball: Reflections on a Successful Season
Girls volleyball has the most successful season in years, going from winning no games last season to making it to the semifinals this past fall. As the season has come to a close, they reflect and are optimistic for next season.
Cross Country: A 2023 Fall Season of Friendship and Growth
Interviews of the cross country season paint a picture of green races, fall foliages, and cheering teammates. Runners described the season as “fun, entertaining, enjoyable, rewarding, and a place of support.”
What is The Best Lunch Spot At Newman
Newman students have a great privilege; The city is our campus. So, when the bell rings throughout the halls at 11:40 for lunch, students are permitted to go off Newman’s campus out to lunch along Newbury and Boylston Street. There are multitudes of options for Newman students, which is why this article is trying to deduce: What is the Best Lunch Spot at Newman?
The Halloween Dance That Could’ve Been
One could say that the Newman Halloween Dance was slightly underwhelming. In the midst of lights, music, and decorations there stood an empty dance floor marked only with the movement of a couple of brave souls.
Newman’s Cardinal Theatre Company debuts play “Marian or The True Tale of Robin Hood”
Newman’s Cardinal Theater company debuts Marian or the True Tale of Robin Hood in front of school and parent audiences, in the third year of Newman’s theater company.
Rowing: Everyone Together Now
We are now halfway through the school year. Many sports had their season during the fall, and one of these sports was rowing. I would like to look back on the rowing season by asking rowers to describe it in only one word.
World in View: 2023 in Review, 2024 Ahead
2023 has ended, and humanity enters a new year in 2024, and while it is not a clean slate entirely, there are opportunities to usher in change and reflect on the errant nature of the past year, and everything that has unfolded then.
Israel’s War With Hamas is A Necessary Act of Defense
6:30. October 7. While most would be in the chasm between sleep and full consciousness at the time, gradually drudging through the sleepy-eyed quagmire of beginning a day, those in Southern Israeli cities, such as Sderot, Be'er Sheva, Sa’ad, and Ashkelon were not.