US Politics: A Report on the 2022Midterm Elections
The results are in. On November 8, 2022 elections for the senate, the house of representatives, governor, and ballot measures were held.
Field Trip Day: Grade 9 & 10 Trip to the Freedom Trail & State House
On October 28, grades 9 and 10 students started their day with a pleasant walk through Boston Common to the State House.
Field Trip Day: Grade 7 & 8 Trip to the Museum of Science
Seventh and eighth grade embarked on a field trip to the Museum of Science on Friday, October 28th. (Photos by Basile Badea ‘28)
Inside Newman Dorms
Located on a cozy street in the heart of Back Bay, the Newman dorms are a home away from home. Right away, Newman boarding students were involved in the invigorating and busy ways of the city through fun activities and events.
The Russo-Ukraine War: an Analysis on the Kremlin's Aggression and Ukrainian Resistance
On February 24th, 2022, the Russian military proceeded into Ukrainian territory. Multiple factors determine the course of the war, and something extremely significant will need to be done in order to quickly end it.
Spanish Exchange Trip
From Wednesday, October 19, 2022, to Tuesday, November 1, 2022, Newman School will be visited by students from the Yago School in Seville, Spain. Spanish Instructor Maria Rodrigo Sanz is still looking for volunteers to host the students and participate in the exchange.
Behind the Orange Line Closure
From August 19th to September 19th, 2022, the MBTA Orange Line was shut down in order for repairs to be made to rail infrastructure. An exclusive interview with MBTA Chief of Quality, Compliance, and Oversight Katie Choe reveals more information behind the closures.
Who’s occupying Downing Street: The Issue of Liz Truss
In 2015, Former Prime Minister David Cameron announced that the UK should "seek a new prime minister.” The search has not yet ceased, and the UK is now looking at its third PM in less than a decade.
From Summer, With Love
Freshman writer Evia Cobo ‘26 shares a series of Summer 2022 memories from her own travels and from the Newman community as well.