As Fall foliage starts to come around and hit the ground, so have the shoes of the runners for the Cross Country season
Cross country is back again for the competitive fall season with a larger team than usual. They have been placing much more in meets, with help from these new members. Captains, returners and new members reflect on how the season and competitions have been so far.
Girls Soccer Reflects as the Fall Season Comes to A Close
Girls soccer has had an eventful season of growth, as the fall season has ended, the team reflects and prepares for the next season.
Fall Soccer Program At Newman Continues its Resurgence
Fall. The leaves are beginning to turn yellow in hue. The school year is starting, the bustling of students around school. The air is crisp and calm outside, at the perfect temperature. What better time to play sports than during the quintessential Boston fall?
Why is Fast Fashion Relevant?
“Fast Fashion” refers to accessible and quickly-produced clothing that is often rapidly replaced to fit changing trends. Its aim is mass production that is often outsourced to underdeveloped countries for cheap labor. Its life cycle is characterized by unhealthy environmental and social practices such as water-intensive cotton, release of toxic dyes, and poor working conditions.
Newman Senior Spotlight 2024: Extracurricular Activities
As the year is coming to an end, seniors are still working on their extracurricular activities. Their activities are in a variety of subjects such as art, languages, math, music, science, sport, volunteer work, and work experience. They also reflected on their favorite and least favorite activities and have advice for 9th grade.
Girls Volleyball: Reflections on a Successful Season
Girls volleyball has the most successful season in years, going from winning no games last season to making it to the semifinals this past fall. As the season has come to a close, they reflect and are optimistic for next season.
Cross Country: A 2023 Fall Season of Friendship and Growth
Interviews of the cross country season paint a picture of green races, fall foliages, and cheering teammates. Runners described the season as “fun, entertaining, enjoyable, rewarding, and a place of support.”
What is The Best Lunch Spot At Newman
Newman students have a great privilege; The city is our campus. So, when the bell rings throughout the halls at 11:40 for lunch, students are permitted to go off Newman’s campus out to lunch along Newbury and Boylston Street. There are multitudes of options for Newman students, which is why this article is trying to deduce: What is the Best Lunch Spot at Newman?