Newman Student Council Presidential Speech Videos
Watch this video to hear the statements of endorsement for Student Body Presidential Candidates Madyson Buchanan ‘22, Chilu Jambunathan ‘22, and Sarai Marks ‘22.
“The Donors” A Short Story
“This is based on a discussion I had in a philosophy club about utilitarianism taken to the extreme. I wrote this because I wanted to try and make something set more present day to see what sort of mood I could convey with my writing.”
Cardinals Connect Club Renews School Spirit at Newman During Pandemic
In early 2020, a team of students rose to the challenge of boosting school spirit during the pandemic by doubling down on enthusiasm in the Cardinals Connect Club.
Student Poetry Compilation: “Cracked Complex,” “Gen Z,” and “United at Stake”
Chloe Randazzo ‘23 shares a compilation of socially aware poetry from her collection “Sphenopalatine Ganglioneuralgia.”
Newman Executive Student Council Elections 2021: Candidate Statements
Click on each candidate’s portrait to view a short statement for their campaign. The executive board elections take place on Friday, May 14, 2021.
Editorial: Don’t Wish Your Years Away
At times, you just want things to change or hate the present situation, trust me, I’ve been there. Things change, and you’ll end up where you need to be.
Film Review: The Life Ahead
The Life Ahead is a non-Hollywood, non-mainstream movie, showing the power of how stories, apparently on the sidelines, can convey richly authentic relationships.
A Look Into the Flourishing Investment Community at Newman
Many Newman students have seen recent economic events as an opportunity to hone in on improving financial literacy and obtaining a better grasp on making investments.
The Mind of a Student Athlete
Harper Finley Staton-Todaro ‘22 describes the tests, trials, and triumphs involved with being dedicated to academics while rowing competitive crew.