September Sports Update: Cardinals Cross Country
Men’s teams at the starting line. (Photo courtesy of Lucy Keesbury)
The 2021 cross-country season began on Tuesday the 14th of September when The Newman School gathered with three others at the Waring School to run its infamous Beverly course. That setting proved suitable for the first meet, adding to the nervous edge of the excitement that runners felt. Captains Chloe Randazzo, John Gadbois, and Paul Simko all took note of the attitude of runners, who while feeling the nerves of the first competition were incredibly eager to test their mettle at the start of the season. Following the absence of a competitive season last year, runners from all schools were thrilled to meet and once again share their love for the sport, creating an electric atmosphere that boosted morale for Cardinal runners. At the following meet at Cambridge School of Weston (CSW) on Wednesday the 22nd of September, the flat course prompted an unrelentingly fast pace, presenting a different challenge from the technical Waring course. The different schools that Newman met were notably less inclined to share a celebratory approach to the meet, creating an atmosphere of more sober and focused competition.
The difficult five-kilometer courses revealed elements of individual and team performance that need improvement. While the team captains are pleased with the performance they witnessed, especially concerning improvement at CSW, they recognize the work that needs to be done. Ms. Randazzo observed the difficulty that some Newman athletes had with proper breathing, while Mr. Gadbois saw the necessity of better training for endurance over long distances, which Cardinal athletes are lacking and which has a tremendous effect on team performance. He and Mr. Simko agree that pacing and speed can be addressed better after runners become accustomed to the 5k distance. The team looks good nonetheless and members and coaches are optimistic about the continuing season.
The first five runners on each team to finish the race earn points for their team. Runners placing 6th or worse on each team do not earn points. The points that each runner earns is equivalent to his or her placement in the race, so a runner who finished 2nd in the race earns 2 points for their team. The points earned by each runner on a team are added to find the team’s score (the sum of five numbers). The team with the lowest score wins the meet.
For example: At CSW, the top five Newman men placed 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, and 17th overall, so the score of the team is 45 points (5+6+7+10+17).
After ranking third of four teams at the Waring meet, the Newman men’s team moved up to second of four at CSW a week later, achieving margins similar to the results of the top teams at the previous meet: 45 points against first-place CSW’s 25, with third place CH-CH earning 72 points. Although female Cardinals are currently lacking the numbers to rank as a team, they are placing well, with two runners in the top ten at CSW.