Newman Clubs Showcase
Image: Art by Eric Lechpammer.
Do you want to share your interests in a community of like-minded students outside of school? Have you got some free time on your hands you’d like to use productively? Do you want to impress colleges by showing your extracurricular initiative? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re in luck! Newman has plenty of student-driven clubs and organizations, catering to a plethora of interests, skills, and charitable causes.
If you are interested in learning more and staying updated with any of these clubs, you can find more information by joining their respective Managebac group.
Drama Club
Started out of a love for theatre and prior experience with the art from the leading members, Drama Club is a space for people to freely express themselves and explore their talents through acting and performing arts.
Drama club currently holds meetings on most Wednesdays in the front room of the school, with a zoom option for students who are currently attending school online. For more information, please contact Madyson Buchanan ( or Madison Rull (
“Our favorite part of Drama club is being able to do what we love. We started this club only this year and already have a feeling this club can have so much potential. We want to put on some form of performance (when/if COVID permits), and we are beyond excited to see where this club goes!”
- Junior Madyson Buchanan
Environmental Club
The Environmental Club furthers active impact on the preservation of our local environment through trash clean-ups on the Esplanade and surrounding community, while partaking in discussions promoting sustainability and current environmental issues.
Clean-ups are held weekly, and any interested student can expect to be educated on the ways we as a community can contribute a positive impact on the world in which we inhabit. For additional information, please contact Brendan Sheeran (
“My favorite part about the Environmental club is seeing my peers be as passionate as I am about making minor changes in our lifestyles to combat the environmental issues going on in today's world.”
- Junior Brendan Sheeran
Gender and Sexuality Alliance
The Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) is dedicated to making Newman a more welcoming environment for LGBTQ+ students, through sharing personal experiences, working on outreach projects, or discussing current events involving the community locally and globally.
GSA holds meetings on Tuesdays at 7:30 PM over Zoom. Any student interested in participating, whether a member of the LGBTQ+ community or an ally intent on showing their support, may contact Bridgette Schaad (
“A big part of our purpose is to provide an environment where members can just be themselves and have a safe space to express any LGBTQ+ identity, which not everyone has in their everyday life. My favorite part of GSA is meeting new members and seeing them open up.”
- Senior Bridgette Schaad
Health and Well-Being Club
Formed for the purpose of promoting exercise during the lockdown period, the Health and Well-Being Club advocates for staying active and remaining in-shape in the midst of intramural sport cancellations during the Fall semester.
Informative meetings are held both in-person in Mr. Fortino’s room and over zoom. For students who wish to continue improving their athleticism and bond with fellow club members, please contact Ashley Djousse ( or Galina Kraytsberg ( for more information.
“My favorite part of the club is how we all have the same goal, but we have our own ways of getting there, and we are all individuals doing what's best for ourselves.”
- Senior Ashley Djousse
“My favorite part is how [health and well-being club] lets people find new ways to challenge themselves, physically and mentally, and how many people make new friends!”
- Junior Galina Kraytsberg
History Club
History Club is open to all students interested in further studying the events of our past. The group participates in weekly discussions that reflect on history through the scope of current events, and additional activities such as podcast productions and movie watch-alongs.
Meetings are currently being held every Friday at 6:30 PM over zoom. For further inquiry, please contact Eric Lechpammer (
“My favorite part about history club is definitely the weekly meetings we have over zoom. Our members have shown great participation in our discussions and a real passion for the historical and current events in our world.”
- Sophomore Abraham Franco
Women’s Empowerment
Women’s Empowerment (WE) promotes social justice and gender equality by holding discussion-based meetings, involving sharing articles and videos to further delve into topics regarding women’s empowerment. WE also plans volunteer projects promoting women’s empowerment in the greater Boston community.
WE meetings are held on Wednesdays at 12:30 PM, with the option of virtual attendance over zoom, or live in the art room. For more information, please contact Rayne O’Gara-Pratt (
“My favorite part of WE is the Women's Empowerment Night. WE night is a night in February that WE plans. Last year, [Newman alumna] Natalia Freeze [‘20] got speakers from Brandeis University to come and discuss women's issues, and the year before, WE members created presentations on women who impacted history. [WE night] is a super cool night that really shows the purpose of WE -- educating people and bringing communities together. This year [we held] our first virtual night, [which was] very new and exciting.”
- Senior Rayne O’Gara-Pratt